Important Note from the Pastors + Worship Will Stream Online this Sunday

Dear SFCAC family,

Due to concern and vigilance against the community transmission of COVID-19 (also known as the coronavirus) and with two confirmed local cases, including one involving Lowell High School which led to its subsequent closing; as of today (March 5, 2020), the SFCAC leadership has decided to cancel all fellowships, gatherings, and meetings until further notice.

Yet, we will live-stream two worship services this Sunday; one at 9:15am in English with Pastor Eddie Cheng speaking and the other at 11am in Cantonese + Mandarin. We would love for all of us to still worship together albeit at each of our homes. Check back here and/or our Facebook page this weekend for further details regarding our live-stream services this Sunday.

Please share this information and pray with other brothers and sisters. Let’s pray that the grace, love and mercy of God will continue to shine in our city. Let’s pray for churches and every community around the Bay Area. Please remain alert and vigilant. Take all necessary measures to promote good healthy hygiene and to protect yourselves and others.

With all of Christ’s love,
Pastor Sam Lai + the SFCAC pastoral staff

An Important Public Health Update

Friendly Reminders for Health and the Prevention of the Coronavirus and Other Illnesses

Recently there has been an outbreak of a respiratory illness caused by a new strain of Coronavirus, which was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Today (January 31), it has been reported that the Bay Area’s 1st case of Coronavirus has been diagnosed in Santa Clara. As of today, there is no vaccine available to protect people against human Coronavirus infection.

Out of concern for your health and the public’s, SFCAC has implemented the following measures to promote a healthy church environment against the spread of the Coronavirus, the flu, and other similarly spreadable illnesses:

1. Safety reminders will be posted in restrooms.
2. Hand sanitizers are available at all buildings.

Also, we encourage you to take common-sense precautions to prevent the spread of the virus and reduce risk of infection by doing the following:

1. Use hand sanitizers and wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
3. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
4. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands.
5. Get your flu shot to protect against flu, which can produce symptoms similar to Coronavirus.
6. Stay home while you are sick.
7. Wait for 24 hours after a fever has ended – without the use of fever-reducing medicine – before attending large gatherings.
8. Consider not attending large gatherings, as this is where cold, flu, and other respiratory viruses often spread.
9. If you have traveled to or been in close contact with someone who has traveled to the affected areas, please pay extra attention to the prevention steps and inform CDC if you suspect infection. Self-quarantine for 14 days is recommended.

Please join us in praying for those affected and to maintain a Christ-like care and sympathy for those in need. Thank you and God bless.

See for more info.


最近在中國武漢爆發新型冠狀病毒疫情, 引起全球關注。目 前未有疫苗保護我們不受該病毒的感染。三宣家因應疫情 迅速發展已採取以下相應措施:

1. 在所有洗手間張貼安全提示海報
2. 在各座教會樓房放置消毒潔手液

同時間我們也鼓勵大家一起努力,立時採取以下行動共同 對抗病毒的擴散和減低傳染的風險:

1. 常用消毒潔手液; 或用肥皂及清水洗手最少20 秒
2. 避免用手接觸眼、鼻、口
3. 避免跟患病的人接觸
4. 咳嗽或打噴嚏時用紙巾或手肘掩鼻及口,棄掉紙巾後立 即洗手
5. 打感冒防禦針
6. 病時留在家中
7. 退燒後等待24小時沒有再發燒徵象才參加大型聚會
8. 盡量少去人多場所或避免參加大型聚會
9. 如果你剛剛從受感染的地區回來,或接觸到從該等地區 來的人士,請特別注意以上各項及建議自我隔離14 日。若有不適,應盡快求醫並通知疾病預防控制中心。

It's Christmastime at SFCAC!!!

It's the Advent season! And what better way to celebrate Christ's coming than with parties, music, food, and joy!?

Come and invite your friends and family to the Christmas Neighborhood Caroling Party + Potluck on Saturday, 12/21; Christmas High Tea on Sunday, 12/22; and the Christmas Eve Cantata "Peace with You - The Song of Bethlehem" on Tuesday, 12/24 (music in English, narration and sharing in Chinese).

And of course, worship Christ the Lord with us on Sunday, 12/22 with special Christmas worship services in English at 9:15am and in Cantonese/Mandarin at 11:00am.

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Jubilee Cornerstone ALL-IN Thanksgiving




This weekend may go down as one of the fun-nest weekends ever in SFCAC history!

It all starts at 2pm with a mini-carnival for everyone that includes some pretty helpful health seminars!
See the pics for the overall Celebration schedule and the detailed mini-carnival schedule!
(Unfortunately, the morning soccer tourney and indoor games have been cancelled due to lack of venue.)

Sunday - after our worship services, one of our beloved pastor’s wives is teaching a session on how to make macarons! 🤤🤤🤤 It'll be at the Bridge Center starting at 3pm.
